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Writer's pictureChase Raymond

Dottie and the Baby Dragon

Dottie was a young girl living in a small village on the edge of a dense forest. She was known throughout the village for her bravery and quick thinking, often venturing into the forest alone to gather herbs and berries for her grandmother's healing remedies.

One day, while out in the forest, Dottie heard a faint noise coming from a nearby clearing. At first, she thought it sounded like a child crying, but dismissed the notion as it carried an animal undertone.

As she cautiously approached, she saw a sight that left her breathless: a baby dragon, barely bigger than a housecat. Around its neck was a iron clasp. A great chain connected the dragon to a stake driven deep into the earth. Nearby, Dottie gasped at the sight of a huge creature. Standing taller than any man Dottie had ever seen, was an enormous humanoid lizard.

It hadn't noticed her yet.

Dottie knew that she had to act fast to save the dragon. She crouched behind a nearby tree and watched the lizard carefully, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

The lizard was large and muscular, with scales the color of dried blood. He wore a tattered loincloth and carried a sharp, jagged spear in one hand. Dottie knew that she was no match for him in a straight-up fight, but she was determined to rescue the baby dragon. Just days before, Dottie had purchased a set of daggers from the Level 1 Armory. She drew her daggers and took a deep breath. Re-reading the runes she had painted herself into the hilt. This would be their first true test.

It would be Dottie's first true test as well.

Taking a deep breath, Dottie sprang into action. She gripped her trusted wood daggers tightly and charged towards the lizard, hoping to catch him off guard.

The lizard, however, was quick to react. He swung his spear towards Dottie, narrowly missing her as she dodged out of the way. Dottie rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the lizard's tail as it swept towards her.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Dottie leapt onto the lizard's back, her dagger's runes glowing brightly despite the sunlight. She plunged her blades into the lizard's scales, causing him to howl in pain and anger.

The lizard tried to shake Dottie off, but she held on tight, her muscles straining with the effort. She continued to stab at the lizard's scales, hoping to find a weak spot.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the lizard stumbled and fell to the ground, knocked unconscious by Dottie's relentless assault. Dottie quickly dismounted and ran to the baby dragon's side, gently cradling it in her arms.

The dragon was tiny and delicate, with shimmering emerald scales and large, expressive eyes. It looked up at Dottie with a mixture of fear and gratitude, as if to say thank you for rescuing me.

Dottie knew that she had to get the baby dragon back to her village, where it would be safe from harm. She used her runed wood daggers to snap the iron clasp about the dragon's neck. The runes glowed angrily with the effort, but they held fast. She couldn't help but grin at the surprising durability of her weapons. She carefully tucked the dragon into her backpack and began the long journey home.

When Dottie arrived back in her village, she ran to her grandmother's house, eager to show her the baby dragon and ask for her help in nursing it back to health.

Dottie's grandmother was a wise woman with many years of experience in healing. She examined the baby dragon carefully, checking its pulse and breathing, and determined that it was severely dehydrated and malnourished.

Over the next few days, Dottie and her grandmother worked tirelessly to nurse the baby dragon back to health. They fed it warm goat's milk and fresh vegetables, and kept it warm and comfortable in a cozy nest of blankets and straw.

Slowly but surely, the baby dragon began to regain its strength. Its scales grew brighter and more vibrant, and it began to play and explore its surroundings with the curiosity and wonder of a young child.

Dottie was overjoyed to see the baby dragon thriving under her care. She knew that it would grow up to be a magnificent creature, full of power and majesty.

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1 commentaire

03 juil. 2023

Yayyy Dottie and her Grandmother!! - would love to see the baby dragon some time . . .

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