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Writer's pictureChase Raymond

Lena's Painting Power

Lena was a 10-year-old girl who lived in a crowded inner-city neighborhood. She spent most of her free time at the community center where she participated in after-school programs and art classes. Lena loved painting, and she was always looking for new things to paint.

One day, while walking home from the community center, Lena saw a booth selling wood swords. It was called the Level 1 Armory. Immediately she fell in love with a particular sword. The blade curved gracefully and reminded her of one of her favorite anime Demon Slayer. While the smooth finish was impressive, she could see even more potential in it. She took it home with her and spent the evening planning.

Lena decided to paint it. She used bright colors and intricate patterns, painting flowers and stars on the hilt and a dragon on the blade. When she was finished, she placed it on her desk to dry.

That night, Lena had a strange dream. She was holding the sword, and it was glowing with a bright light. Overhead, a massive dragon matching the one she painted on her sword flew among the stars overhead. The dragon spied her and a mix of excitement and dread coursed through Lena. The dragon angled through the air and dove straight for her! She was frozen in place, transfixed by the mighty beast.

As the dragon approached its mouth opened wide showing rows of angled teeth as big as Lena's arm! Suddenly, flames shot from the dragon's mouth and engulfed Lena!

She woke with a start throwing her arms over her face to protect her from the flames. But the flames were gone. "Just a dream," Lena whispered trying to calm her rapid breathing.

She lay back putting her hand on her chest as if to slow her pounding heart. It felt so real! In fact, she smelled something burning.

She shot upright looking around the room. To her surprise, the sword on her desk glowed like a hot coal. Her heart once again began beating with excitement and curiosity. She rubbed her eyes and squinted at the sword. Was she imagining the dim light?

Cautiously, she climbed from bed and examined the sword more closely. With a tentative finger she touched the sword. It was warm, but not hot. She picked it up, and to her surprise, it felt different in her hand. An warm power surged up her arm like the feeling you get when first getting in a hot bath. She blinked in surprise, reveling in the feeling.

"Whoa!" was all she managed to say.

She tested the sword swinging it through the air. She was shocked to see a great gout of flame erupt from the tip of the sword, singing her ceiling and lighting some of her homework on fire! She quickly put out the flames and a wide grin creased her features in the dark.

Excited and curious, Lena returned the next day to the Level 1 Armory and purchased as many swords as her savings allowed. She began to paint each one with the same care and intensity of the first. She experimented with different designs, using different colors and patterns. She discovered that each sword had its own unique power, and she was amazed by what they could do.

One sword with a great bird allowed her to control the wind. She painted another sword with the image of a lion, and when she held it, she felt as if she had the strength of a lion. After painting a ocean scene on another she found she could manipulate water!

Word of Lena's magical wooden swords soon spread throughout the neighborhood, and

kids began to come from all over to see her creations. The children in the neighborhood were particularly enamored with the swords, and Lena would often spend her afternoons teaching them how to paint and make their own magical wooden swords.

As the years went by, Lena continued to paint her magical wooden swords, and her skills as a painter and a sword maker grew stronger. She became known throughout the neighborhood as the "magic sword girl," and her swords became sought after by all.

Despite all the attention and praise that came her way, Lena never forgot the magic that had first sparked her love of painting and sword making. She continued to explore the city, paint her swords, and share her love of magic with anyone who was willing to listen. And as long as she had her wooden swords, she knew that she would always have a little bit of magic in her life.

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